Website Competition Winner • Bowland Bikes CIC


As part of our 10 year celebrations we are offering a chance for a Charity and/or Good Cause to WIN a free website.

This includes the Domain Name, 10 Page Website, up to 10 Email Addresses and hosting for the first 3 Years!!

Well, last Friday we chose a winner and are delighted to be working alongside Bowland Bikes CIC to build and host their new website!!

Bowland Bikes CIC are a not-for-profit organisation created to support mental and physical health through all things cycling. They have managed to keep an existing shop in trade by transferring to a CIC. Utilising a team of volunteers they are using their space for an array of great community services. 



Director & Web Designer

We are over-the-moon to support this great Community Interest Company. We have so many ideas to help them out online and support their superb space.

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